Unrestricted innovation and open communication protocols for all
Welcome to FREEtheMIBS
We believe open communication protocols increase competition and innovation, a win-win for agencies and communities.
Promote Competition
Choose the solution that’s right for you, regardless of vendor.
Increase Innovation
Let companies compete based on merit, not vendor lock in.
Save Money
Save taxpayer dollars when more companies compete.
FREEtheMIBS is an advocacy campaign to encourage traffic signal controller and ITS device manufacturers, and public sector agencies to unite behind opening and sharing device NTCIP protocols – specifically, management information bases (MIBs).
MIBs provide a common language through which central traffic management systems and transportation management devices communicate.
While other regions and segments of the ITS industry have made MIBs more accessible to all, the vast majority of North American traffic control manufacturers do not - limiting interoperability and competition, while driving up taxpayer costs.
The proportion of MIBs that bypass NTCIP interoperability standards by being manufacturer specific.
The approximate number of ‘object definitions’ required to make a traffic signal controller work.
4 yrs
The average time it takes to issue updated NTCIP objects, such that many common functions—like flashing yellow arrow—are not covered.
Learn More
Learn more about MIBs and why we’re so passionate about making transportation protocols open and accessible for all.
Meet the Board
FREEtheMIBS It’s not about a specific company, it’s not about a specific agency… It’s about doing what’s right. Meet the team of advisors advocating for free MIBs.
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I Believe…
“…Innovation, creativity, risk and increased transparency are necessary to meet a growing society's transportation needs. I encourage freeing the MIBs voluntarily (before it’s mandatory in future contracts) so equipment is interoperable and free market capitalism governs.”